Who We Are

What We Do

We are a student led organization focusing on advancing space exploration and education. Our projects have included designing and constructing CubeSats and Rocket Engines. SEDS@UMD is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in systems engineering, writing research proposals, and other hands-on opportunities space education initiatives. We are committed to diversity and our organization is open to all students, regardless of year or major.

We are a growing and diverse group of students committed to furthering space education. SEDS@UMD students span all years and represent students from nearly all of University of Maryland’s 12 colleges. We represent students with varying levels of experience and are excited to be able to provide unique opportunities for every student.

  • Est. April, 2020

    SEDS@UMD was founded at the University of Maryland in April of 2020. Despite the challenges facing our world, SEDS@UMD has continued to grow and provide opportunities to students.

  • 110+ Members

    With over 110 members and growing, SEDS@UMD is the largest student run space organization with a presence on the campus of the University of Maryland.

  • 3+ Projects

    Our team is currently working on a growing portfolio of 3 major projects: THEA, SATFAB, and Liquid Rocket. Additional initiatives include our retired projects such as TerpSat.

A historical picture of the Armory at the University of Maryland

Terps Explore Space

SEDS@UMD was founded at the University of Maryland with a goal to expand STEM and space education to students. The University of Maryland is a premiere public academic research institution located in College Park, Maryland.

A picture of a space ship being prepared for launch at sunrise


We were founded as a Chapter of SEDS USA which aims to “[Empower] the world's citizens to advance space science and exploration”. Learn more about the impact SEDS USA has on supporting STEM education and space exploration.